We hear a lot about steering kids towards the sciences, but what about the kid that is already an enthused scientist? How can we further challenge and prepare students who are already invested in science?
Case Study: How to turn “Science Kids” into “Creative Kids” It used to be enough that we would learn skills in school then go out in the world and apply them. But things changed. Now everything is moving so quickly that many skills are already out-of-date by the time we get to the workplace. To be successful in today’s scientific age, it’s not enough to just ‘know the science’. We also need to know how to design, invent, communicate, problem-solve, and think creatively.
At The Laboratory, we teach our science-centric kids to expand their thinking and begin thinking in new ways.
Our Science Fulfills a Purpose When we learn about drag, force and gravity, neuroanatomy, and buoyancy we don’t just stop at the end of the experiment. Sure, we figured out how this works scientifically, but how can we use this in a way that really matters to us? When we learn drag, force and gravity, we problem-solve to create flying carpets. Learning neuroanatomy becomes identifying brain injuries in zombies to survive a zombie apocalypse. And lessons in buoyancy become designing pirate ships to stay afloat with their large crew and doubloons.
We Teach Our Students to Think Differently Too often science focuses on the black and white. The right and the wrong. We know to fully understand something we need to go beyond just observing and discussing. We challenge our students to think differently by using established ideas to invent and create. When learning about properties of phytochemicals, students invent their own magical plant that could be used in “potion-making”. When learning about ecological niches, they create their own creatures and explain the adaptations they have to thrive. Why? Designing something from scratch allows us to understand things from a different viewpoint. They understand there isn’t always a right or wrong answer. They engage at a deeper level.
We Emphasize Creativity as Part of the Process It’s not enough to just figure out how the science works. We want to create something that means something. From designing functionality for LED-lit magic wands to creating our own creatures that really move, and using elements of chemistry to invent their own species of dragon. Our process lets students see the connections between science and the creative process.
Ready to use science to bring your favorite worlds to life? Contact usto find out more about how we can help your school or program develop STEM/ STEAM programs that are engaging, exciting, creative, and fun!