How do we prepare our children to work in jobs that haven’t even been invented yet?
Today’s students are different.
It used to be necessary to know a lot of facts and “store knowledge”, but growing up in a digital world, students have devices that can do that.
Why does traditional education still emphasize vocabulary, memorization, and regurgitating facts if this is something students can just look up when they need it?
Today’s students need to learn how to use this vast amount of information to be creative generating new ideas (divergent thinking) and putting existing ideas together in new and innovative ways (associative thinking).
At The Laboratory Collective, we use math and science to teach the “Four Cs”
– critical thinking and problem solving
– communication
– collaboration
– creativity and innovation
Our programs blur the lines between subjects, seamlessly connecting literature, history, art and design, writing, role play and popular culture and bring it to life through math and science. Our immersive storylines empower students to use math and science to solve problems that are engaging and interesting to them.
We go beyond “hands-on” science, by developing experiments and projects that are more than a predetermined outcome.
After students learn the science, the emphasis is: “Now that we know this, what can we do with it?”